The Showbox wins Historic Landmark designation!!

The Showbox is officially an historic city landmark!!!

(But it’s not saved yet!)
The Landmarks Board unanimously designated the interior and exterior of the Showbox under Criteria C and D, cultural significance and embodying architectural characteristics of a style or period. 

One board member even wrote a haiku for the occasion: 
Showbox forever
Music, booze, dancing, sweat, love
Historic today

Now what? First, we celebrate! Enjoy this moment. We worked tirelessly for a year for this!
Next, the City negotiates controls with the owner. AND, we push for Historic Seattle to buy the building so the Showbox continues to host music for generations to come! (Landmark does not control use of a space.)

Endless gratitude for everyone who showed up, gave testimony, and emailed in comments. This would not have happened without overwhelming community support....people power!
Shout out to Historic Seattle, Friends of Historic Belltown, Vanishing Seattle, Friends of the Market, Friends of the Showbox, Rise Up Belltown, and the Showbox employees. Without everyone's continued advocacy and engagement, we would not be here today. (Nick Fillhart, Earnie Ashwood, and Shannon Welles pictured here on the steps of City Hall after the 3+ hour hearing, and a Showbox employee victory hug with Jonna McCurry, Amanda Morgan, Shannon Welles, and Nick Fillhart) ❤️